
14 years ago on inktales: October 2006

It was the first year of this blog and I was already documenting memories!

Before I forget – about my first real boyfriend. I bullied him into the relationship, broke up with him without warning and years later made these terrible drawings about him.

This post called Meeting in which I see the genesis of those early whimsical stories

and finally the tiger that graced our cricket matches once, was designed and animated by the brown boy.

Life, List, sketchbook

A decade ago in inktales

Some of you may know that I’ve had this blog for nearly 15 years. The earliest post was May 2006. Here’s a post from those hot summer days when Delhi was baking and I was sitting in our top floor walk-up in East of Kailash, using our old Windows desktop to write those posts. This is the first one with the anteater –

who was going to be one of the characters in an alphabet book I was illustrating at the time. At the time I really didn’t want to be a designer and only wanted to illustrate children’s books, and didn’t even know how important this anteater is going to become in my life!

Here’s another book I illustrated at the time, which someone has even made into a read aloud story on Youtube!

Anyway I was trying to remember what I was doing ten years ago in September 2010 – it’s only been a decade but feels like a generation in the age of the world. I had just returned from Sweden and had probably started working in TIL by then. By September I had found my groove with drawing again, and was as usual worrying about inspiration, drawing and happiness in Creative block and Being happy.

Finally when I read Plato and Platypus walk into a bar in 2016 it all made sense for me…
