
From Novembers past

And just like that we’re in November 2020. From the blog archives I find that Novembers have either been prolific with travel and conferences or dry and desolate as the Gobi desert. Here are 3 favorites ones over 2006-2019.

This is from 12 year ago, about missing the brown boy when I lived in Sweden: Why Skype isn’t enough

and this one is about a color: A ray of grey from 2011.

Parenting, and your sense of self from 2017 is a letter written to myself, trying to find myself after becoming a mother.


14 years ago on inktales: October 2006

It was the first year of this blog and I was already documenting memories!

Before I forget – about my first real boyfriend. I bullied him into the relationship, broke up with him without warning and years later made these terrible drawings about him.

This post called Meeting in which I see the genesis of those early whimsical stories

and finally the tiger that graced our cricket matches once, was designed and animated by the brown boy.

Life, List, sketchbook

A decade ago in inktales

Some of you may know that I’ve had this blog for nearly 15 years. The earliest post was May 2006. Here’s a post from those hot summer days when Delhi was baking and I was sitting in our top floor walk-up in East of Kailash, using our old Windows desktop to write those posts. This is the first one with the anteater –

who was going to be one of the characters in an alphabet book I was illustrating at the time. At the time I really didn’t want to be a designer and only wanted to illustrate children’s books, and didn’t even know how important this anteater is going to become in my life!

Here’s another book I illustrated at the time, which someone has even made into a read aloud story on Youtube!

Anyway I was trying to remember what I was doing ten years ago in September 2010 – it’s only been a decade but feels like a generation in the age of the world. I had just returned from Sweden and had probably started working in TIL by then. By September I had found my groove with drawing again, and was as usual worrying about inspiration, drawing and happiness in Creative block and Being happy.

Finally when I read Plato and Platypus walk into a bar in 2016 it all made sense for me…


Years ago on inktales

In May 2006

I moved to Delhi, and began this blog to share my sketchbooks with my friends back in Bombay.

The anteater had made his first appearance.

In May 2007

I was appreciating married men

In May 2008
Documenting how we ended up together

In May 2009
I was Struggling with schoolwork
and Not answering the phone

In May 2010
Enjoying the Spring in Sweden
Motivating myself, and Completing my masters.


Best of the Archives

So many of you are recent visitors to the blog. Here are some of the older favorites when inktales was young:

On friends: The Big JoshiThe One and Only Parsa

On home and food: Things I miss about homeA Fish Tale

On my wilderness years: SuperbitchThe Mumbai chronicles

The body rebels

On the brown boy: The hero complainsOde to married menSomethingLiving in MumbaiLiving in Mumbai 2

The first real life appearance of the anteater: Early morning conversations

Motivating myself: In which I try
