
The best of inktales

inktales now has 327 fans on Facebook and 393 followers on Twitter, and I’m humbled everyday to know that so many of you appreciate my sketchbook drawings. A lot of you have begun visiting the blog recently so here’s a list of the best posts for your entertainment. Happy weekend!


A guide to inktales

NID and other friends

The Big Joshi

The one and only Parsa

Rahul Das and his words of love

Mess FoodJamalpur – LaBella

Actual NID sketchbook (when I thought I couldn’t draw)

Superbitch 2002

The brown boy

The story of us

Living in Mumbai 1: First attempts & Living in Mumbai 2: The designer’s solution to all problems


Ode to married men

The hero complains

False Representation & Epilogue

Something (when I was away in Sweden)

Why Skype isn’t enough!

My friend the anteater

In which I try

Creative Block 2

Anteater wisdom


Studying in Sweden

Things I miss about home

Åste’s shoes

Revenge of the hairdresser

10 days of creation

Blueberry Garden


My family

A fish tale

The Mumbai chronicles

Food & Travel



Travel tale

O Goa (2008)

Fed by the chef

Walk in the woods


A divine collision

Soapbox wisdom

Husbands & Wives



Paris, not me

Being happy

Alternative careers

Some more

God bless mother nature


Bored at work

Ode to my phone

The box

The body rebels

Always answer the phone

Space Travel

Dog on Friday

Unwelcome visitor

Not drawing


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